My Friend Ryan Fazio | LETTER

To the Editor –

I am writing to endorse my friend, State Senator Ryan Fazio, for re-election in the 36th District.  Since getting elected in 2021, Ryan has established himself as a bipartisan leader, co-authoring and passing 6 new laws despite being in the minority party,  These laws included increased local control of planning and zoning, expanded access to birth control and stronger oversight of our state’s utilities.  

Ryan knows this community having spent countless hours attending meetings and events, and listening to the concerns of voters regardless of party.  If you vote for Ryan, you can trust that he will energetically and effectively represent New Canaan’s genuine interests in Hartford over the next two years.

You may have seen in your mailbox a mailer from Ryan’s well-funded opponent claiming that he has “extremist” positions on issues like abortion and assault weapons.  These are hyperbolic claims that don’t align with Ryan’s actual record.  They are also an attempt to distract you.  Here are the facts – in Connecticut, abortion is legal and assault weapons are banned and both will remain so.  Ryan Fazio has been clear that he no interest in changing the status quo on either issue.

His opponent is hoping the voters of New Canaan focus on these shiny objects rather than on the real issues at hand.  The Democrats currently hold 24 of the 36 seats in the Connecticut State Senate.  If they are able to flip Ryan’s seat while holding the rest, they will have 25 of 36 seats – a veto-proof supermajority in the State Senate.  They are close to achieving the same in the Connecticut General Assembly. With a supermajority, there will be absolutely nothing that Governor Lamont or the Republican legislators can do to stop the Democrats in the legislature from enacting laws.

What are some of the bills that the Democrats have pushed in recent legislative sessions?  There are so many bad ideas but here are a few of the highlights – school regionalization; a statewide property tax; Live Work Ride and Fair Share, housing bills that would completely override our local planning and zoning laws.  These are not the interests of New Canaan voters.  Ryan’s opponent is hoping you focus on abortion, which Is not under threat in Connecticut, and assault weapons, which are and will remain banned under Connecticut’s stringent gun laws, instead of the things that should matter to you most –  your schools, your town and your taxes.

Vote for Ryan Fazio for State Senate in the 36th District this November.  He knows this town.  He understands our concerns.  He will get things done while protecting our interests in Hartford.


Chris Wilson

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