There is a hidden treasure right on the New Canaan, Darien border, just minutes from our town center, that many people do not know about.
It is the Mather Homestead, which was built in 1778 and is now a beautifully preserved historic house and museum.
Many excellent programs, events and very interesting talks are given there at the large meeting room on their campus.
A talk was given this week by Jeffrey Rosen on the Topic of The Pursuit of Happiness and how the Founding Fathers of this nation viewed this topic.
Recently a talk, and enactment, was given about the life of Deborah Sampson who, disguised as a male soldier, fought in the Revolutionary War of Independence and was the only woman to receive a military pension at the end of the war.
Information about the Mather family, Homestead and its programs can be found at Matherhomestead.org.
I recommend visiting the Mather Homestead events.
Keith Simpson.