LETTER | Lauren Connolly Nussbaum for Board of Education

New Canaan is so fortunate to have Lauren Connolly Nussbaum running for the Board of Education. As parents of three children who have attended New Canaan Public Schools since kindergarten, we are highly invested in their education and preparing them for their next steps and the world beyond NCPS. Continued excellence in New Canaan Public Schools is not simply staying the course – it’s making sure our school district continues to innovate and move forward, and Lauren is extremely well qualified for the role.

Lauren embodies the best of New Canaan with her tremendous volunteerism and service to our community along with her incredible kindness and generosity. She was the BOE representative at South School and has attended numerous BOE meetings over the years – Lauren has a track record of being deeply engaged in the work that the Board and our outstanding Administration is doing and will hit the ground running.

Lauren has held many other leadership positions in our schools – Chair of Celebrate Saxe, on the core committee to bring “The Dome” to our students, and even served as President of New Canaan Community Preschool. On top of her experience, Lauren truly listens to others, is open-minded and has a collaborative working style. She has the experience and qualifications needed to best serve all children in our community.

I think it’s important to note that my husband and I are Republicans; however, when it comes to our Board of Ed, we don’t just vote along party lines – we vote for the best candidates. Please join us in voting for Lauren on November 7 and continuing the excellence of New Canaan Public Schools.

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