LETTER | Putting Kids First

New Canaan Democrats are offering voters a real choice for the Board of Education. Our candidates Brendan Hayes, Lauren Connolly Nussbaum, and Josh Kaye, all parents of children in the New Canaan Public Schools, have set their top priority as putting kids first.

In contrast with mere platitudes expressed by their opponents, Brendan, Lauren, and Josh offer the voters a substantive choice of experienced and committed individuals. These candidates are prepared to face the real issues facing our schools in the coming years, including an enrollment boom, innovation for the twenty-first century, caring for the whole child, and maintaining parent communication and engagement. They are dedicated to preserving the quality of our top-ranked schools and ensuring that our students will succeed in college and whatever course they pursue in life. Republicans hold a disproportionately high share of the seats on New Canaan’s Board of Education, and it is time to change that imbalance.

Our town would greatly benefit from the voices of Brendan, Lauren and Josh on our Board of Education.

Richard Lurie
New Canaan DTC

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