LETTER | Dionna Carlson, the Best Candidate for First Selectman

Dear Editor,

We proudly support Dionna Carlson for First Selectman of New Canaan. We have known Dionna for almost 30 years and believe she is uniquely qualified to assume this position due to her resolute work ethic, ability to listen and collaborate, thoughtful advocacy and overriding commitment to the town of New Canaan.

Dionna has selflessly volunteered for a myriad of local organizations. Her community engagement includes her church, Young Women’s League, her children’s schools PTCs and the local DAR chapter. During her eight years on the Board of Education she was instrumental in successfully managing the School budget (over 65% of town expenditures) and negotiating a new contract with the Teachers’ Union. During her tenure on the Board of Ed Dionna was recognized as a leader among her peers, and was elected as chairperson. This bipartisan board waived a term limit by-law and unanimously asked her to serve a third year. Dionna was also instrumental in negotiating the change in NCPS bus times which required listening to many different opinions from concerned parents.

Dionna will be a thoughtful advocate for our town as the State of Connecticut pushes for unfunded mandates, particularly with regards to housing. The issue is nuanced and complex (land availability, zoning, density, environmental impact, infrastructure). One solution does not work for all towns in Connecticut, particularly smaller ones. Dionna will work with other town executives to amplify our voice in Hartford.

Dionna’s experience and her engagement in our town demonstrates her commitment to lead New Canaan forward. We believe she is the best candidate for First Selectman and our entire family is voting for her November 7th.

Stephen & Maryalice Gelhaus

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