LETTER | Amy Murphy Carroll — One New Canaan

I am pleased to offer my enthusiastic endorsement of Amy Murphy Carroll as the ideal candidate for First Selectman of New Canaan. Amy’s impressive background as a fiscal conservative, with 30 years on Wall Street, and the last 10 years on our Board of Finance uniquely qualify her for this important role.

Amy has had a lifelong career in business, and not just any business but the rough and tumble world of Wall Street. And, after 10 years on our Board of Finance, Amy knows our town budget intimately. Having spent time with Amy, there is no doubt in my mind that Amy is a fiscal conservative. She knows the questions to ask and will not shy away from asking them. Amy knows how to, and will, save us money!

Recent experience has shown us how uniquely important the First Selectman role is. From questions around real estate deals to surprise capital expenditures. So, while both Amy and her opponent will serve on the Board of Selectmen, the question is which candidate is more likely to deliver on their campaign promises and protect the interests of all of us here in New Canaan as well as our tax dollars. Amy, who has developed a lifetime of financial expertise with a Wharton MBA, 30+ years on Wall Street, and the last 10 on the New Canaan Board of Finance, who knows every town budget for the last 10 years in detail, or her opponent? Who is more likely to be the more independent of the two candidates to allow all voices in our town to be heard and do the right thing for all of New Canaan? Amy, who was not asked by either party to run, or her opponent? Echoing Amy’s call for One New Canaan, please pause and consider who is genuinely best for this role, irrespective of your national party allegiances, and join me in voting for Amy on November 7

Alan Badanes

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