LETTER | Vote for Dionna Carlson for First Selectman

We have never had a new candidate running for First Selectman with so much prior, hands on, relevant town experience. Dionna demonstrated excellent leadership skills as chair of the Board of Education working with our Board of Finance. Approximately sixty-four percent of our Town’s budget is consumed by expenses related to our schools. Our teachers, our facilities, the administration, and the debt associated with school projects represent the largest part of our annual budget. Our town is, and has always been, committed to having a top school system Statewide, and nationally. Sustaining our educational success is a key element to the fabric and culture of New Canaan, and no one knows how to do it better than Dionna.

Dionna’s finance background will also be helpful across all the town departments. Dionna is thoughtful and collaborative. She will bring a fresh perspective to our Town’s opportunities and challenges. She will listen to our residents and work exceptionally well with our boards and committees. She will challenge us to continue to keep taxes in line while delivering on the important services and support we expect for our schools, our police and emergency teams, our volunteers, our downtown, our town parks and our town assets.

Dionna will effectively communicate and share information back to our residents while working with each of you. She will do a great job, and be a great leader for our Town and our Town’s interests. I am very pleased to support Dionna for First Selectman.

Todd Lavieri,
Chairman, New Canaan Board of Finance

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