LETTER | In support of Dionna Carlson for First Selectman

Volunteering for help lead New Canaan during these contentious times takes courage and sacrifice. But local government is where 90 percent of our democracy takes place. I have had the privilege of representing New Canaan in both the State House of Representatives and the State Senate over many years. During that time, I worked closely with its town leaders and Dionna Carlson as the New Canaan’s Board of Education Chair.

I can attest to her excellent leadership skills, dedication to the town and collaborative, respectful treatment of her colleagues. She has helped New Canaan Schools retain its number one status as the best school system in Connecticut and among the best in the country. She was there to help us fight against school regionalization and we won. It would be a pleasure to have the chance to work together again for the betterment of our towns.

You need someone with Dionna Carlson’s commonsense and experience involved in government. She has always shown herself to be trustworthy, calm, fair and always conducts herself in a respectful and civil manner. The town is fortunate that she is stepping up to serve once again.

Please vote for Dionna as your next First Selectman on November 7 to keep New Canaan moving in a positive direction.

Toni Boucher
Former Ste Rep, State Senator, and incoming Wilton First Selectman

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