LETTER | Endorsement of Amy Murphy Carroll for First Selectman

I ask for your vote for Amy Murphy Carroll for First Selectman. Amy has 30 years and more professional experience in municipal finance and many years volunteering on our Board of Finance. Anyone who has been to a BoF meeting can tell you that Amy is detail oriented, understands where your tax money goes and is fiscally conservative with tough questions about appropriations. Our tax money is safe with Amy.

If you just moved to New Canaan, you probably had the quality of the school system at top of your mind. If you have children in the school system, you know what a great system we have at NCPS. Or you could be like me and have NCHS graduates. All of us know that the quality of our NCPS administrators, faculty, staff and buildings contribute greatly to our real estate values. Amy will continue to support the school system’s excellence we all expect. Our administrators have a formula for success, let’s not mess around with it.

Lastly, vote for Amy because she’s a good person, friendly, caring and committed to a transparent government style.

Sven R. Englund

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