LETTER | Dionna Carlson Will Use Civility In All Efforts to Protect New Canaan from Intrusions by the State

I met Dionna when, as Ranking Member of the Education Committee, I had to defeat an attempt by the governor and the Senate President pro tempore to regionalize our schools. At the time, I represented Wilton, which the proposed bill would have required to merge its schools with Norwalk’s. In addition, the bill included neither any mention of improving education nor any plan going forward for the functioning of our town Boards of Education.

Dionna was the Board of Education Chair in New Canaan. She needed no prompting, and when there was a public hearing, she came up to Hartford. Her opposing testimony was sharp and clear, and was delivered with that touch of firmness that people recognize immediately as a sign that she will not respond to badgering from her opponents. At the same time, she made sure that none of her criticisms were directed at individuals.

Dionna Carlson has all the qualifications for First Selectman: fiscal responsibility and experience, leadership, the ability to listen, and a concern for transparency. But our towns, especially those in Fairfield County, are often exposed to initiatives like this one, and there is no one better placed than the First Selectman to defend them. I have every confidence that Dionna Carlson will continue to stay alert to all opportunities to protect the town from such intrusions, and I hope that everyone will join me in voting for her in November.

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