LETTER | Lauren Connolly Nussbaum for Board of Education

Dear Editor:

Please allow this letter to serve as an enthusiastic endorsement of Lauren Connolly Nussbaum for New Canaan Board of Education. Lauren is a phenomenal parent of children attending two of New Canaan’s public schools, and she has been quietly serving the Town for years in numerous volunteer and leadership roles, including education.

I personally got to know Lauren a few years ago through New Canaan Softball, where she has wonderfully coached the children of many New Canaan families. In this role, I have seen Lauren effectively lead, work easily with other coaches and parents, and always show kids how to have fun.

Lauren is deeply passionate about maintaining the excellence of our schools through continued support of our remarkable teachers and administration, and ensuring a safe and caring learning environment for all students to excel academically. I urge all voters to strongly consider putting Lauren on our Board of Education– in my humble opinion, she belongs there.

Tim Klimpl

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