Letters to the Editor Policy
At The New Canaan Sentinel, we value the opinions and insights of our readers. Our “Letters to the Editor” section is dedicated to providing a platform for the community to say thank you and to share their views. We ask that you adhere to our civility standards.
Please see below for submission standards. Thank you!
"*" indicates required fieldsLetter to the Editor
Civility Standards for Letters:
- Ideally letters will be positive. Even when addressing difficult or contentious topics, there is often a way to write in a positive way to cheer for your cause, say thank you to your community, or ask for something to be done differently.
- Respectful Language: All letters should be written in a respectful tone. Avoid using personal attacks, slurs, or derogatory language aimed at specific individuals, groups, or organizations.
- Constructive Criticism: While it’s entirely acceptable to express disagreement or concern, writers are encouraged to provide solutions or alternative perspectives. This fosters a constructive dialogue and promotes understanding.
- Fact-based Arguments: Avoid making unsubstantiated claims or spreading misinformation.
- Refrain from Hate Speech: Any form of hate speech will not be published.
- Relevance: Letters should be relevant to the community or topics recently covered in this paper. They should contribute meaningfully to the ongoing dialogue.
- Length: To ensure a variety of voices, letters should ideally not exceed 500 words. This encourages concise and thoughtful contributions. Contact Publisher@NewCanaanSentienl.com if you would like to submit an OpEd. OpEds may be longer format opinion pieces but they also have a higher standard for publishing including having expertise on your topic.
- Original Content: Letters should be original and not have been published elsewhere. Please do not submit form letters or those written by another individual.
Submission and Review Process:
- All letters must be submitted with the full name of the writer, address, and a contact phone number. Only the name will be published.
- Letters that don’t meet the civility standards will either be returned to the writer for revision or will not be published.
- The editorial team of reserves the right to edit letters for clarity, length, and compliance with the civility standards. Major edits will be communicated to the writer for approval before publication.
- You do not need to be a New Canaan property owner or resident. We welcome letters from people who are connected to New Canaan in many ways.
- We have a limited staff. Please be kind and patient.
By adhering to these guidelines, we hope to foster a forum where diverse opinions can be shared and debated in a civil and constructive manner. We thank our readers for their contributions and their commitment to maintaining the dignity and respect that our community deserves.