By Paul Reitano
Marie Pinchbeck was your teacher. You may not remember it. It was a long time ago; Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade – it’s all a blur. You’ve had so much to drink through the years, you don’t remember much as it is. But Mrs. Pinchbeck remembers. With 31 years in the New Canaan Public School System and 21 years as a teacher at First Presbyterian Nursery School – Marie Pinchbeck has taught thousands of New Canaan’s children for over half a century. She’s teaching the children of parents she taught. She teaches with teachers who she taught in Kindergarten. Mind bending. But also a testament to character. There is no one in New Canaan who cares about children more than Mrs. Pinchbeck. She also loves hot and sour soup. Could she possibly be the most wonderful person on the planet? Read on to find out.
Q: When did you start teaching in New Canaan?
A: Oh gosh, Paul. I’m not sure, 1966 maybe?
Q: And what was New Canaan like back then?
A: Oh, my – not as bustling – not as high end – very much just a family town. I remember going to Fat Tuesday’s where Sole is now. The teachers and I would all go out once a month to dinner. It was very fun. That was memorable.
Q: Where did you teach before First Presbyterian Nursery School?
A: For many years I taught at Center School. It’s where the parking lot to the library is now. It closed in 1983. I remember we had a big party when it closed. It was a wonderful school, I miss it. I went on to West for many years.
Q: With the kids – can you tell who’s going to be a CEO and who’s going to end up in jail?
A: Oh, gosh, Paul. I wouldn’t say. The truth is, sometimes you can tell, sometimes they change. Around 3rd or 4th grade, there can be a big leap in maturity.
Q: It’s Flu Season. How do you convince your kid not to be a nose picker?
A: Oh, goodness. We do a lot on germs. I make a big deal out of washing hands. I get out a big basin of water and sing happy bday to myself so they wash long enough. I’ll also take a tissue out of my pocket and pretend to be confused. I’ll say “what’s this? What do I do with this?” The children have so much fun with that.
Q: What is your favorite subject to teach?
A: These days I’m the Science Lady and I go from class to class. I wear a body suit full of body parts that detach. I can take out the heart and show them how everything works.
Q: When do you think you’ll stop teaching?
A: When I can’t get up. I just love going to work and seeing the kids. You need purpose in life. I like being busy.
Q: Mrs. Pinchbeck, I feel like people want to know…which student, in your entire career, was, you know, your favorite?
A: Oh gosh – how can you ask that? The thing that is so amazing – there are children that I had in my Kindergarten class that are my colleagues now. Part of that is how long I’ve been teaching and part of that is that people love being in New Canaan – they come back.
Q: You’ve lived through a lot. Best TV show of your lifetime?
A: I love Lucy. It was very funny.
Q: Best movie?
A: Gone With The Wind.
Q: Not Die Hard?
A: Didn’t The Wizard of Oz come out the same year? That got all the awards – but Gone With The Wind is just so lovely.
Q: Best holiday to have in the classroom?
A: Valentine’s Day is so much fun to do with the kids. They have fun cutting out the hearts and showing love to one another.
Q: Expressing love to everyone you know – that never happens again, does it?
A: It doesn’t. That’s why it’s so special.
Q: What do you enjoy eating in New Canaan right now?
A: I love Chinese. And Ching’s Table is very nice. Their hot and sour soup is wonderful.
Q: Hot and Sour soup – too orange?
A: Not for me, especially in the winter – it’s so satisfying. And I love their Lemongrass Shrimp – they grill it there. It’s wonderful.
Q: You’re wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.
A: Thank you, Paul. This was lovely!