Planet New Canaan Tree*Cycle Thank You | LETTER

Planet New Canaan would like to thank everyone that supported and participated in our fifth annual Tree*Cycling initiative. Our collective efforts filled the Steve Benko Pool Parking lot and kept over 800 trees from ending up in landfills. It took over two weeks to collect the trees and only a few hours to chip them down and transport them to the New Canaan Nature Center to form what has been affectionately nicknamed Christmas Tree Hill.

Tree*Cycle would not be possible without our strong community partnerships that work to make this initiative a success each year. We would like to thank Tiger Mann with the New Canaan Department of Public Works and John Howe with the New Canaan Parks Department for their support navigating the logistics required to offer Tree*Cycle to our residents. Thank you to the Exchange Club of New Canaan for providing the grant money necessary to pay for Tree*Cycle each year. Thank you to the NCHS SLOBs for assisting our community members with drop-offs and keeping the trees organized and free of debris. Thank you to the New Canaan Nature Center for offering a home for the tree chips until their ready to be spread on the trails. Lastly, we thank all of our community news outlets and residents for sharing the Tree*Cycle dates and details with New Canaan.

For more information about Planet New Canaan and our other initiatives, please go to or check us out on Instagram.

Thank you,

Heather Boulanger

2024-25 PNC Tree*Cycling Chair

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