Scroll down to find candidate profiles. Here are the instructions and questions asked of all candidates. We are very grateful that almost all of our local candidates participated!
2024 Local Candidate Profiles
Instructions for Candidates
Please fill out the following questionnaire to help voters better understand your priorities. Your responses will be published exactly as submitted—no edits will be made. Kindly focus on your own platform, policies, and experience, and refrain from referencing or commenting on your opponents.
What we asked:
Basic Information; Full Name:; Office Sought; Contact Information (Email, Phone, Website):
General Questions:
Top Priorities
Please list the top three issues you will prioritize if elected and explain why each is significant to both your platform and your district.
What professional, volunteer, or public service experience makes you the best candidate for this position?
Policy Questions
Local Control
How do you propose to protect your district’s control over zoning decisions? What is your approach to balancing affordable housing needs with preserving the character of the town?
What steps have you taken or will you take to address rising costs of electricity, natural gas, and water? Please share your position on the current situation with Aquarion.
How will you address the economic challenges posed by inflation? What legislative measures will you support to ease the financial burden on households and businesses in your district?
What does having a supermajority in the Connecticut legislature mean to you and your district?
How would you describe the current political environment in Connecticut? If elected, how will you contribute to improving the tone of political discourse and foster cooperation among different political viewpoints?
Your View
What should we have asked that we did not?