Time for a Change in the 125th State District | LETTER

It is time for a change in the 125th State House District. We need a new face, new ideas and new solutions to meet the challenges that our state and town face. Jason Bennett will be a change agent in Hartford. As a tech entrepreneur and a business owner, he understands the importance of economic growth for the well-being of our state and the key role that businesses, large and small, play in generating that growth. Given his tech background, including leading the technology team at multiple companies, he has the skills and experience to help shape policies that optimize the digital economy in both the public and private sector.

Jason is the father of one six-year-old and two three-year-old daughters. He is passionate about ensuring that Connecticut remains a great place for them to grow up. Maintaining an excellent school system is a key part of his agenda; he believes in local control of schools. Improving gun safety in our schools and society at large is another issue that he will pursue in Hartford. Jason has received an “A” grade from the gun safety advocacy group, CT Against Gun Violence.

An additional important priority for Jason is to protect the environment and the state’s natural resources. Unlike the incumbent, he knows that climate change is for real and is prepared to say so. Jason will actively contribute to policies and legislation that protect our communities from the significant challenges caused by more frequent, stronger storms and the ensuing flooding that we experience because of climate change.

Jason supports the work of the town’s Affordable Housing Committee, including its strategy to obtain continuing moratoria from 8-30g requirements. He recognizes that this decades-old law is imperfect and that the acute need for additional affordable housing in Connecticut cannot be solved in New Canaan alone. He will work in Hartford to improve 8-30g and to find other creative solutions to the housing shortage.

Please vote for Jason Bennett for the 125th State House District.

Angela Jameson

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