Savet Constantine is the Only Choice for the 42nd District | LETTER

By electing Savet Constantine as the 42nd District’s state representative, New Canaan, Wilton and Ridgefield would be served in the General Assembly by someone who is extremely knowledgeable on educational issues; favors an economic model based on attracting taxpayers to the district, rather than raising taxes; and wants to ensure our towns remain affordable both for seniors and young adults. Our towns would be well-served with Savet Constantine in the General Assembly.

With her dedication and experience based on having served as president of Wilton Parent Teacher Associations both at the middle school and high school levels, she would serve our educational priorities in the General Assembly with the expertise she acquired in those roles. Savet had leadership roles on the PTAs in their advisory roles for the school budgets motivated by an unwavering commitment to maintaining and improving upon the schools’ reputation for educational excellence. She led in those roles by encouraging community involvement to represent and reflect what the community wanted.

In her campaign appearances, she defines herself as a pro-business Democrat, who will make fiscal decisions aimed at making the state more affordable by attracting business to the state, rather than raising taxes on those of us who are already here.

As a mother who volunteered to ensure her children benefitted from a strong education foundation, and as a daughter with aging parents, she understands the challenges confronting residents as they navigate the needs required for the “sandwich” generation. For that reason, she promises to be accessible as a legislator, to hear what the issues confronting her constituents are and help them with solutions the state can provide.

And while Connecticut has a positive record in protecting women’s reproductive freedom, as attacks on that freedom continue at the federal level, Savet knows we cannot take that freedom for granted. For fifty years, federal laws protected those rights, until they didn’t. Savet will remain alert to and will oppose any effort to restrict women’s rights to make their own healthcare decisions.

Richard Lurie

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