Dear Editor,
Let’s all re-elect Ryan Fazio to our State Senate. Why? For one, we know we can count on Ryan to fight for continued local control of our schools – a jewel of our town. He will also fight to maintain local control of our planning and zoning rules, opposing Hartford’s efforts to impose ‘one size fits all’ control. He works to keep abortion legal, and authored a bi-partisan law expanding women’s birth control access. Ryan is also leading the effort to reduce out-of-control energy costs, and the overall cost of living in Connecticut. In addition, we need his optimism, common sense and recognition that Connecticut’s social and economic underpinnings need independent and creative thinking. When Ryan Fazio makes a commitment, we know he really means it, and will deliver. He’s on our side.
So many approaches Hartford has been taking have not worked. What will work? Positive, responsible, bipartisan-led change that provides opportunities for all our communities. This is what we will always get from Ryan Fazio. Let’s keep him working with us for a safer, stronger, fairer Connecticut.
John J Kriz