REVIEW Dracula is Delicious

By Tom Nissley

Some wooden stakes, a bushel of garlic bulbs, a Cross, of course, and some silver dust are the ingredients of Dr. Van Helsing’s medical kit when she arrives to ward off evil spirits and vampires who may be walking around us looking like plain old human beings. She’s played by a  superb Nova Hall and is the focal point in this “Feminist Revenge Fantasy” playing at the Powerhouse thru October 27. Read on for more or just take my advice now to call 203-594-3636 and get your tickets. NOW!

The whole cast is well-selected and give consistent performances under the brilliant direction of Carin Zakes, who has not missed any opportunity to position a smile or a frown or Jonathan Harker (Noam Ben Yakir) dragging a heavy traveling case to Transylvania and then having it picked up like a feather by the host of the castle (Geoffrey Gilbert as Dracula).

The scenes in the production would be confusing but thanks to helpful projections each one is identified.

So we know that Mina Harker (Jessie Lizotte) will be cared for by her friend Lucy Westenra (Dana Billingham) as the child in her womb grows larger, and that Lucy’s handsome fiancé, Dr. George Seward (Sam Bass), will be there to help.

Dr. Seward is also the doctor in charge of Renfield, marvelously (!!!) performed by Kim Wood, a patient in the Insane Asylum near Lucy’s estate. And it is he who first challenges Dr. Van Helsing on the basis that a doctor cannot be a woman! His education on this matter is a lovely part of the script.

Kudos to this wonderful cast, also including Alexandra Theodoropoulos (as Drusilla) and Kate Clark (as Marilla). Each of their roles was demanding and they never fell out of character. I especially appreciated Jessie Lizotte’s Mina, and Geoffrey Gilbert’s Dracula for their sparkling, or should I say in Gilbert’s case, delicious, delineation of their roles. And you will too.

Tom Nissley for the Ridgelea Reports on Theatre

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