Nick Simmons for State Senate | LETTER

New Canaan, the entire 36th District and the State of Connecticut will be well served by electing Nick Simmons to the Connecticut Senate. Nick brings an exceptional background in public service to this position. As a teacher and principal, he has hands on understanding of education. Having served as a Deputy Chief of Staff to Ned Lamont, he has direct experience in State Government. With masters’ degrees from both the Kennedy School and HBS, he has a sterling academic background.

Nick will represent the 36th District with an unwavering commitment to ensuring CT’s women and families make their own health care decision, a critical personal right that has been denied women in 21 states since the Dodds decision. He will campaign for the safety for our kids and all our citizens with common sense guns laws. Thanks to Connecticut’s leadership on this issue, our state has one of the lowest rates of gun violence in the nation (according to the CDC) – and he will work to make it better.

With his hands on experience in the Lamont administration, he knows how state government works, and representing the 36th as a member of the majority party I am confident that he will be able to secure increased state support to aid our schools, infrastructure and communities. Nick also brings an understanding of policy, but with an awareness that fiscal stewardship is paramount and he is committed to the fiscal guard rails that have been so critical in helping our state dig out of the fiscal hole that prior administrations, both Republican and Democrat left us. This has resulted in multiple upgrades for Connecticut by the bond rating agencies, lowering our borrowing cost.

The incumbent has failed his constituents in voting against improved gun safety laws, and actually filibustered a critical gun safety bill. Further he voted against HB 5414 the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act – which expanded reproductive protection in Connecticut. Ryan Fazio is out of step with his constituents in the 36th.

Vote for Nick Simmons for the 36th, who will represent our values, and bring the skills set to do the work for our District.

Amy Murphy Carroll

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