25 Years of Service

By Emily Umbdenstock

Do a little bit of good where
you are. It’s those little bits
of good put together that overwhelm the world.

~Desmond Tutu

Not all heroes wear capes. A true hero simply wants to make a difference in the world, striving to make a positive impact one act of kindness at a time. In New Canaan, Judy Fuenger is one such individual, improving the quality of our citizens lives one ride at a time.

Last August, Judy Fuenger celebrated an extraordinary 25 years working as the scheduler for GetAbout; a non-profit organization providing safe, efficient and professional transportation services to the residents of New Canaan. In fact, Judy is arguably one of New Canaan’s most important assets; a true unsung hero. Each and every day Judy dedicates her unique skills and positive attitude to GetAbout in the tireless effort to help New Canaan residents lead active, fulfilling lives within the community.

This, however, is no small task: Judy oversees the scheduling of GetAbout’s ten part-time professional drivers, and, in 2023 alone, she coordinated over 9,000 rides for New Canaan citizens. Former board member Paul Stein says it beautifully: “Judy is the voice of GetAbout…anybody calling in has complete confidence that she will have the right answer and address their question promptly…she is always able to help the rider figure out their needs.” What’s more, it is not unusual to find Judy behind the wheel of a service vehicle herself, always jumping in to fill in as a driver when the need arises.

Judy goes above and beyond the call of duty to help the members of the New Canaan community. Giovanni Conti has been a GetAbout rider for almost 20 years: “Judy and her drivers are truly conscientious and caring people. I have known Judy since the beginning, and she is a marvel at her job.” In fact, when Health and Human Services calls, Judy also often makes pickups at the food bank, delivering meals directly to the individuals in need. Her dedication to our town’s residents is truly remarkable.

Judy Fuenger is fueled by a trued passion for the cause. Incredibly humble, she is reluctant to sing her own praises about her invaluable role: “I am very happy doing my job… I love to help people…I love the drivers and the riders and am glad to be able to provide them with happiness and the ability to get out.”

GetAbout currently employs ten CDL licensed drivers and dispatchers, operating a fleet of seven wheelchair-capable vans, in addition to an eight and a twelve-passenger van. It is an organization that prides itself on providing free rides annually to New Canaan residents 18 years and older who are unable to drive themselves due to a permanent or temporary condition…and Judy is the heart and soul behind it all. In addition, she also manages the delivery of more than 5,000 Meals-on-Wheels deliveries to homebound residents. Thank you, Judy Fuenger, for your 25 years of dedication and loyal service!

If you or someone who know might be interested in using GetAbout, please contact 203-972-7433 or visit their website www.getaboutnc.org

Emily Umbdenstock received her BA from Georgetown and her MA in Health and Behavior Studies from Columbia University Teachers College. When she isn’t “momming” her three children, she works as a freelance writer and copy editor. She also edits essays for college and graduate school applications. A New Jersey native, Emily is now a proud New Canaanite!

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