A Prayer for Our Children

By Meg Newton

Happy Dog Days of Summer, everyone! It’s that funny transitional season when the air conditioner’s still kicking on and some days are perfect for the beach or pool, but stores are full of pumpkins and – as of yesterday in New Canaan – most kids are back in school. It’s not officially autumn, but it feels like the end of summer nonetheless. And, at least for our kids, it’s the start of a new year. And with a new year come new hopes, new worries, new dreams, and new fears.

Last Sunday, a number of churches in New Canaan intentionally took time to pray for all the students returning to school this week. It was encouraging to pray as a congregation knowing that we were praying in unity with so many others who love our kids and want to see them thrive this year. And, of course, it was a reminder that we need to continually pray for the children and youth of our community.

One beautiful way to do that is to pray Scripture with our kids in mind. For example, we read in Psalm 28:7 that “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped.” We can in turn pray, “Lord, please be my children’s strength and shield. Please allow their hearts to trust in you, and be their help.” Or in John 14, Jesus says to his disciples “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” In response and in faith, we can pray, “Lord, fill our students with a peace that is not dependent on the things around them in the world. Let not their hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, no matter what they face or what burdens they carry.”

As another way to encourage and guide you in your prayers, I’d love to share the prayers for last Sunday written by Sarah Dugal, the Young Life Area Director in New Canaan. (Young Life is a faith based non-profit organization that brings caring, compassionate adults into the lives of middle and high schoolers to reinforce that they matter, create approachable spaces to explore faith, and model servant leadership.) Maybe cut these out and put them on your fridge, or stick them in your Bible or journal as a reminder to pray for all the children and youth in our community:

Prayer for Belonging: We pray that students would feel welcomed and included in our school communities by their teachers, coaches, and peers. May we be part of creating in them an unshakable sense of belonging.

Prayer for Mattering: We pray that, as students discover, practice & hone their many gifts, skills & abilities, they would know that their value is far greater than their accomplishments. May we be a part of communicating to students that they matter unconditionally.

Prayer for Love: We pray that students would come to know and experience Your great love for them. May Your love fill them so fully that it overflows to others in their kindness, gentleness, and compassion, transforming our community to look more like your kingdom.

Prayer for Mental Health: We pray for the mental health of our students. For students experiencing anxiety, depression, or any form of despair, we pray that You would use our many community resources to bring them support, comfort, and lasting peace.

Prayer for Safety: In a world where heartbreaking violence is far too common, we pray for physical protection of our students. May You go before them, behind them, and with them, keeping them safe throughout their school days ahead.

Meg Newton is the associate pastor of Trinity Church in New Canaan.

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