By Julie O’Brien Deasy
Question: Now that school is out, what are some day trips we can take around this area with kids (or just adults)?
Answer: This is a good question, and one that we can address a few times this summer. This area of Connecticut has so many great resources and spots to visit. No matter what your interests are there is something for everyone – kids and adults included!
The Beardsley Zoo is the first place highlighted in this series. The Zoo is located in Bridgeport, and is the only Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited Zoo in the state of Connecticut. It houses around 500 animals from over 100 species.
Summer is a great time to visit the Zoo as there are some species, like the Giant Anteaters, that are only outside when the temperature is above 50 degrees.
The Zoo features a variety of habitats and exhibits including a Rainforest Building, a New England Farmhouse, a Wolf enclosure with three different species of wolves, a Native Reptile building, a Red Panda enclosure, and Alligator Alley.
A loop path winds through most of the zoo, making it easy to see all the animals and exhibits. The path is also paved – perfect for strollers or walking.
Every Thursday and Friday in August, the Zoo hosts special Summer Animal Shows at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. These shows feature different animal guests and a presentation on each.
In addition to these shows, other summer events include a lecture series, holiday events like a special Independence Day party, a Teddy Bear Festival on July 20, and more.
The Zoo also has one of the few carousels in Connecticut, as well as a few food options for lunch or snacks.
The Zoo is open daily from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, and tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. Advance tickets are recommended as certain days and entrance times sell out in the summer months.
For tickets, more information, and a complete summer calendar, visit www.beardsleyzoo.org.
Future columns will feature additional places to visit in our area. Let us know if you have a specific interest and we can make suggestions of places to visit this summer!
What do you want to know about living in New Canaan? Is there a resource you are looking for or something you need in our area? We want to hear from you! Send in your ideas or queries to Julie@NewCanaanSentinel.com and your question may be featured in a future column.What do you want to know about living in New Canaan? Is there a resource you are looking for or something you need in our area? We want to hear from you! Send in your ideas or queries to Julie@NewCanaanSentinel.com and your question may be featured in a column.