Over 1,000 flags placed on veterans’ graves


In a moving tribute at Lakeview Cemetery, local community members, including Chris Wilson and VFW Post 653 Commander Michael McGlinn, spearheaded a significant event to honor fallen veterans. Pictured here are key participants who helped place over 1,000 flags on veterans’ graves. Don McCarthy, Chris Wilson, Michael McGlinn, Michael O’Dea, CT Rep. Tom O’Dea, and Thomas O’Dea.

The O’Dea family, including sons Michael and Thomas, joined in this solemn occasion, reflecting the deep respect and gratitude felt by many. Rep. O’Dea expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the organizers and the importance of remembering those who have sacrificed so much for the nation.

“This was such a powerful demonstration to honor those who have sacrificed so much for us,” said Rep. O’Dea. “My sons Michael and Thomas, my father-in-law Don McCarthy, and I thank Chris Wilson and VFW Post 653 Commander Michael McGlinn for their hard work organizing this event. To all our Armed Forces veterans, thank you for your sacrifice and service.”

The event highlighted the community’s commitment to honoring veterans and served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the nation’s military personnel. The flags, fluttering across the cemetery, stand as symbols of respect and remembrance, ensuring that the legacy of these brave individuals is never forgotten.

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