The annual Spectrum Contemporary Art Exhibition opened Saturday at the Carriage Barn Arts Center featuring a collection of works in all media that explore the connection between Art & Music.
Both art and music share the power to evoke and inspire emotions, tell stories, and communicate ideas. Juried by Sam Wilson, a founding director of Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery, the pieces were selected from about 500 submissions by regional artists.
“Like a painting, a song is an invitation for people to connect and feel —it holds the possibility for reflection, energetic movement and means to heal,” says Julia Berkley Heck, one of the exhibiting artists. Visitors can read more about the artists’ connection and musical inspirations as well as hear a gallery playlist made of the artists favorite songs. Exhibit events include a gallery “walk & talk” with several exhibiting artists on May 18 at 11am.
All of the artwork is available for purchase, with a portion of proceeds benefiting both the Carriage Barn Arts Center. The exhibition runs through June 2 and gallery hours are Wednesday-Saturday from 10am-3pm and Sunday from 1-5pm. The Carriage Barn Arts Center, a not-for-profit gallery and arts center located in New Canaan’s Waveny Park is free and open to the public. More exhibition information can be found at carriagebarn.org