LETTER by John J Kriz |Dionna Carlson answers the core voter question: Who will listen to me?

Dionna Carlson answers the core voter question: Who will listen to me? Because listening is the cornerstone of effective government, and getting things done. I know Dionna listens because she has demonstrated it time and again in the demanding job of former chairwoman of our Board of Education. Listening to parents, to students, to staff. The result? Premier schools. But true listening goes beyond just letting sound waves hit your eardrums. It means listening with the ear of your heart, and anyone who knows Dionna Carlson knows this. She understands people – all sorts of people — and her diverse civic and charitable activities further support this. As to getting things done, I know Dionna will be relentless in delivering the effective government New Canaan expects: Address affordable housing and telecommunications, and ensure that our roads get paved and stay paved. Let’s all do our part for New Canaan, and elect Dionna Carlson our next First Selectman on Row B.

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