LETTER by John J. Kriz | Alves, Campbell, Kelly and Wexler for BOE

Hugo Alves, Matt Campbell, Lara Kelly and Matt Wexler, who are running for our Board of Education on Row B, are safe hands that New Canaan can rely on to keep our schools among the best anywhere. With a focus on the fundamentals of education, they understand the value of each child, of parent and staff involvement, and more to the point tailoring the educational process so that every student has the opportunity and support to be the best she or he can be. But the optimal educational fundamentals change, as our economy and society change, and I know that these four people can be relied on to choose the best of the past, and plan ahead so the best of the future are all embedded in New Canaan’s schools. Let’s all join together for the betterment of our town, and support Hugo Alves, Matt Campbell, Lara Kelly and Matt Wexler on Row B.

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