Column: Saving Shelter Animals


Shelter animals have always held a special place in my heart. I firmly believe that with the proper awareness and support, we can find forever homes for every animal in need and end senseless euthanasia across the globe. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that more than 11 million shelter animals are euthanized – a staggering statistic that needs to change.

My profound love and respect for shelter animals inspired me to create Free The Shelters, a movement in partnership with The Cathy Kangas Foundation for Animals that sponsors free adoptions nationwide.

Since its creation in 2017, I’m proud to say our efforts have saved over 10,000 animals at 85 different shelters in the United States and Canada.

Shelter animals have always had a special place in my heart. My profound respect for shelter animals inspired me to create Free the Shelters, a movement in partnership with The Cathy Kangas Foundation for Animals that sponsors free adoptions nationwide.


For Pit Bull Appreciation Month this October, we had a successful event sponsoring adoption fees for pit bulls and pit bull mixes at Bridgeport Animal Control.

I have six rescue dogs, including three beagles I’ve rescued from laboratory experiments. These dogs have provided me with companionship, comfort, and unconditional love, and I can’t imagine my life without them. If you’re looking to introduce an animal to your life and have the capacity to care for them, I highly recommend visiting one of the many admirable shelters we have here in Connecticut.

My #1 recommendation is never to purchase an animal from a pet store. Many pet store animals suffer from inbreeding, and plenty of beautiful animals languishing in shelters need homes.

Before your animal shelter visit, consider these essential questions:

  1. What is your lifestyle? Consider a cat if you are at work all day.
  2. Do you have young children? An older, calmer dog might be better for your home.
  3. Do you have the financial resources to care for a pet? Vet bills and food can be expensive. All shelter animals are spayed or neutered.
  4. Do you rent your property? Many shelters require a notarized letter from your landlord stating you can have a pet if you rent.


Remember, when you adopt a shelter pet, you save two animals by opening up space at the shelter for another rescue. Our shelters are in crisis, and if you can adopt, I highly encourage you to do so. You’ll make a new friend and a difference in your community.
Here are some of my favorite reputable shelters that I have worked with in the past. Tell them Cathy sent you!

Adopt a Dog in Greenwich
This shelter has been saving animals since 1981, and I’m proud to sit on the Board of Directors.

Project Precious Rescue
While this organization doesn’t have a physical shelter, it shares photos online of animals needing homes.

Stamford Animal Control
This is a great public rescue run by the police department.

PAWS of Norwalk
I have done adoption events with them many times.

Danbury Animal Welfare Society
Great animals looking for a home!

Visit PAWS Norwalk and adopt Takbitha
Bud needs a home. Adopt him at Bridgeport Animal Control
Consider adopting Granger at Adopt a Dog in Greenwich
Leo is at Project Precious is looking for a home

If you can’t adopt, try donating, dropping off treats, or volunteering your photography, social media, or public relations services. We all can play a part in lifting up and amplifying our local shelter.

For more information, visit:

Cathy Kangas lives in New Canaan where she founded her cruelty-free skincare line, PRAII Beauty. She also created the Cathy Kangas Foundation for Animals to save animals around the globe. She started Free the Shelters in 2017 where she paid adoption fees rescuing more than 10,000 animals at shelters in the United States and Canada. She is a proud member of the Board of Directors of The Humane Society of the United States. Cathy has six rescue dogs that bring much joy to her life.

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