COLUMN | Narratives of a New Canaan Newbie


Hello Darkness my old friend. I’ll see you soon at 4 p.m.…

I called my parents last Sunday morning for our usual weekend check-in, but, this time, my mom sounded slightly frazzled on the phone. Well, it turns out that my parents mistakenly thought Daylight Saving Time was last weekend and were thus perplexed when it didn’t look any lighter outside when they woke up that morning. Now I wish I could say that this was the first time one of my family members (myself included) has made this this very same mistake. But..sigh… truth be told, it has, in fact, happened before, and, inevitably, I’m sure it will happen again….So please indulge me as I vent about the pain in the neck that is Daylight Saving Time.

Daylight Saving Time: the bi-annual practice of turning the clock ahead as the warmer weather approaches and back as it becomes colder again. With the implementation of this observance approaching this Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2 a.m. local time, I will proudly represent anyone who has ever felt personally victimized by this antiquated ritual. I know that I can’t possibly be alone when I say that I would much prefer to do without this pesky obligation…friends, are you with me?!?

With the implementation of this observance approaching this Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2 a.m. local time, I will proudly represent anyone who has ever felt personally victimized by this antiquated ritual.


First off, I can never seem to remember when, exactly, this mandatory change actually occurs, and it always seems to sneak up on me like an annual visit to my OBGYN. Even the clever mantra to “fall back, and spring forward” is of little help, for I continue to remain confused as to which way I am actually supposed to adjust my clocks. And while technology has definitely improved the overall situation thanks to the automatic switchover of all cell phones and computers, inevitably, my husband and I will still spend a large portion of Saturday evening trying to decipher how, exactly, to change the darn time on our kitchen appliances…oh, and forget the car, I don’t even try messing with its digital system (why, oh why, must they make it so darn complicated!?!).

I’d also like to dispose of the notion that we will be extending the length of our slumbers come Sunday. For, as a parent, there is no such thing as “an extra hour of sleep” when you have small children who can’t tell time. All of the moms and dads out there can now look forward to waking up an hour early for the entire week ahead…just when we think that we couldn’t possibly feel anymore sleep deprived, DLT arrives to prove us all wrong. And I’d be remiss to exclude the pet owners out there who, I’m sure, can relate as well. Afterall, your punctual pooch will undoubtedly expect his daily morning walk regardless of the numbers displayed on the clock.

Now some may say that an hour is not a big deal; a rather small chunk of time in the daily scheme of things. However, I beg to differ. Perhaps I’m just getting old, but the modification of those 60 minutes completely messes with my circadian rhythm. Without fail, I will inevitably find myself stumbling through the proceeding days in a sleepy haze. Essentially, I’m bound to experience a 5-7 day “time” hangover without any of the benefits of a wild night beforehand. And if our work week simply must begin an hour earlier, it should, at the very least, be followed by a national holiday on Monday. Just some food for thought…

Additionally, I’d like to assist our farming community in dispelling the myth that Daylight Saving Time was created by the agriculture industry. Farmers have actually lobbied against the policy, as it wreaks havoc on the carefully orchestrated schedules of their livestock (obviously cows cannot understand waiting an extra hour to be milked). And, lastly, to all my New York Marathon runners out there…I know you too are in my corner. I mean, in what world does it make sense to host such a renowned athletic event on the very morning our sleep cycles are disrupted?!? Friends, the bottom line is this…for many of us, the Daylight Saving Time struggle is real, and as such, we must give ourselves grace. So this Sunday, allow yourself that extra cup of coffee (or two) and have patience with your fellow New Canaanites who might also be a little slow on the uptake…let’s face it, we’re all exhausted! After all, we may not have it all together, but together we certainly have it all!

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