LETTER | Support of Lara Kelly for New Canaan’s Board of Education

I write in support of Lara Kelly for New Canaan’s Board of Education.

Lara supports the issues that are important to me.

Academics are a priority. She stands up for our talented teachers and administration, and plans to empower them with the best curriculum and resources available.

Student safety is a priority. Our children learn best when they feel safe in their classrooms. Lara will work with educators and law enforcement officials to improve communication during emergencies and install best-in-class security equipment in our schools.

Parents’ involvement in their children’s education is a priority. Lara wants to engage all families, especially those in need of support services. Civility and transparency are paramount. She is an active volunteer in the schools, and her children are in New Canaan’s elementary, middle, and high schools.

With Lara on the Board of Education, we can rebound from Covid-related learning loss and restore New Canaan’s excellence in education.

Kristina Larson

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