LETTER | Matt, Lara, Matt and Hugo have stood up for our children before, and I know they will continue to do so.

Dear Editor,

I am writing in support of Matt Campbell, Lara Kelly, and Matt Wexler for election, and Hugo Alves for re-election, to the New Canaan Board of Education.

As I can attest from my tenure on the board, the BOE is entrusted with a significant amount of decision-making authority. We are asked to make decisions on a host of topics—both large and small—that will have far-reaching implications for the children in the district, not only in the short term, but for many years to come. As such, it is imperative that we elect people to the board whom we believe will take that responsibility seriously, take a well-researched and evidence-based approach, and give equal weight to the viewpoints of all stakeholders, even—and perhaps most importantly—when those viewpoints differ from their own. I know that Matt, Lara, Matt and Hugo will be excellent stewards in this regard.

Most of the decisions we have made as a board over the past two years have been fairly straightforward, such as increasing pay for substitute teachers during COVID, leaving very little room for disagreement. A few of the decisions were more complex and lacked an obvious answer. These decisions, like school start times, required more effort and creativity in order to arrive at the best possible solution. Finally, there have been a small subset of decisions where we, as a board, had to commit to doing what was best for New Canaan kids, even when we knew that the decision would be viewed by some as unpopular or perhaps even controversial. These are the hardest decisions, and I know that Matt, Lara, Matt and Hugo have what it takes to excel in these moments. In my view, this is what really sets them apart from the other candidates. They have all demonstrated that they are not afraid to dig deep and stand their ground, even if means they have to take a personal hit (or two). I saw them do this during the pandemic, when masking had gone on for far too long and our kids were suffering the consequences. They never wavered in their commitment to what was best for children and I know they will bring that same passion, energy and devotion when advocating on behalf of your children.

Importantly, Matt, Lara, Matt and Hugo all bring different experiences and perspectives to the table and collectively they understand where the parents of New Canaan are coming from. They have children at all levels within our school system, from pre-K to high school. They have children who thrive academically and children who have learning differences and need additional support. They have children who participate in athletics, in the arts, in clubs, extracurriculars and community service. Your concerns are their concerns. They are personally invested in ensuring that all of the children in our district will receive the highest quality education that will prepare them to lead successful and fulfilling lives. The work that the BOE does now will lay the groundwork for years to come, and Matt, Lara, Matt and Hugo will remain fiercely committed to this goal above all else. Our children and our school system will benefit greatly from their support and advocacy and I hope you will join me in voting for them in November.

Julie Toal

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