LETTER | Lauren Nussbaum for Board of Education

Editor, New Canaan Sentinel,

In my 35 years living in New Canaan, I do not know if I have met anyone more committed to and motivated by both community and compassion than Lauren Connolly Nussbaum. Whether you know her from school, sports, or the many other worthy organizations she works so hard to uplift, Lauren is someone who is always raising their hand, asking “how can I help?” Regardless if it is the overdue task of renovating The Dome, redistributing sports gear, supporting Special Education families, or offering to drop off a good book with a bowl of soup, Lauren is always ready and willing to do what is needed for the betterment of those around her.

Lauren’s only “agenda” is our children. We are so fortunate she is now seeking a seat to listen to all experts and stakeholders, kids included, on the Board level to rationally make balanced decisions that will ensure New Canaan students are receiving the best education possible, as efficiently and effectively as possible — something we have seen her do with finesse in her roles as South School PTC Board of Education Liaison and as Celebrate Saxe Annual Campaign Co-Chair.

Lauren has the parent, coach, and resident experience to collaborate with fellow BOE members and help steer our schools through the next four years, and notably she also has actual BOE experiential knowledge from her extensive attendance and participation through her PTC role. In combination with the skills and wisdom gleaned from her careers across legal, nonprofit, and education sectors, Lauren is uniquely positioned to hit the ground running and will endeavor to maintain our schools’ top ratings while also making sure each and every child’s education is investigated holistically so that all students have the benefit of feeling like they belong in our schools.

I can’t wait to fill in the bubble by Lauren Nussbaum’s name; I hope you will join me in voting for Lauren, Josh Kaye, Brendan Hayes, and the entire Democratic slate.

Alyssa MacKenzie

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