LETTER | Lauren Connolly Nussbaum for BOE

To the Editor,

Once again, election season is upon us!

Residents scramble to write letters endorsing candidates. Some enjoy phone-banking, while others prefer door-knocking with their favorite candidates in the brisk New England weather. Soon, properties will be covered with colorful political lawn signs, steadily increasing in numbers, as November 7th approaches.

As an under-30 voter, who is very engaged in our community, I find election time to be one of reflection. What critical issues are we facing, and how do we resolve them? Which candidates can best serve us, and what are each candidate’s qualifications for the office they seek?

We have all heard the adages, “elections have consequences”, that elections are not “popularity contests” and, most importantly, that each vote counts.

For my part, I listen to podcast interviews, and I will continue to read endorsement letters and articles. I look forward to reading about each candidate in the non-partisan League of Women Voters New Canaan Voters’ Guide, which will be mailed to every household in New Canaan. The group will provide additional candidate information, in an expanded version, on the League of Women Voters Voter Information website (www.vote411.org). Finally, I plan to watch their Candidates Forum in October, and I encourage my fellow New Canaan voters to do so.

I had the opportunity to meet Lauren Connolly Nussbaum, a BOE candidate, whose podcast and interview piqued my interest. As we talked, I found that we shared the same spirit of public service. Like myself, Lauren grew up in a family that placed a premium on giving back to the community.

I was impressed by the collaborative mindset that Lauren plans to bring to the BOE. To realize her vision for the school system, she understands that BOE members must work together to find common ground, even when disagreements arise. By attending all BOE meetings and participating through public comment, Lauren understands the issues facing the BOE. Although I don’t attend BOE meetings, I do attend town meetings and community coffees, so I understand the importance of engagement with Town commissions and other bodies.

Lauren is well-qualified to serve our students, teachers, parents, and administrators in an intelligent and compassionate way and with unwavering commitment.

Clearly, Lauren deserves a seat on the BOE table!

Jordan L. Cerbone

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