LETTER | Giacomo Landi for BOE

Giacomo Landi for BOE.

Vote for the person, not the party, is a philosophy to which I’ve always adhered. With roughly five thousand New Canaan voters registered as unaffiliated, it appears I’m not alone.

This election season, an unaffiliated candidate, and my friend, Giacomo Landi, is running for a 4 years seat on the BOE. Giacomo and his wife Elizabeth are raising three fantastic young boys who attend West and Saxe and I am lucky to call them neighbors.

Giacomo possesses all the necessary attributes to be successful in this job: He is innovative, analytical, open-minded and fair.
His approach is a refreshing take in a race and job that shouldn’t be encumbered by political narratives. Giacomo’s views and ideas are wholly his own and he has some good ones!

Giacomo’s platform incorporates a desire to expand pre-K and enhance early childhood education; a need expressed by many residents in Town. Another interest is ensuring affordable, high-quality, sporting opportunities for all students, not just those on the varsity track level. Keeping kids off screens and physically active promotes good mental and physical health and is a worthy endeavor in my book.

Giacomo’s work and life experience is extensive, covering most of the map. As such, he suggests measuring our schools not only against peers in Fairfield County and Connecticut but to high-performing schools everywhere. Thus, incorporating best practices and preparing our students for employment and life in an evolving and global landscape.

You may already recognize Giacomo’s name for his engagement and guidance on various issues affecting our Town. New Canaan would be fortunate to have his expertise and leadership extend to the Board Of Education.

Most of all, Giacomo is an exceptional and dedicated father. The safety and well-being of his children and all children in New Canaan are his top priority. He has my vote November 7th and I encourage you to join me!

Sincerely, Liz Moore

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