LETTER | Amy Murphy Carroll Is the Best Choice for New Canaan

Dear Editor:

New Canaan is lucky to have Amy Murphy Carroll running to be our next First Selectman, and I fully endorse her candidacy.

Amy is not only the most qualified candidate in this race, but is also perhaps the most qualified to ever run. Amy just retired in July from a 30-year career in municipal finance, a solid basis for the job that knows no equal. In addition to being a full-time working mother of four, Amy has also served with distinction for 10 years on one of New Canaan’s busiest and most important volunteer committees, the Board of Finance. Here, she married her broad municipal finance knowledge with her commitment to local matters, working in a bipartisan fashion to get New Canaan’s finances in strong working order. Her effectiveness on the Board of Finance also translated into her appointment to committees for various large town projects, such as those handling Saxe School and Police Station renovations. In all cases, Amy knows and respects the value of every taxpayer dollar spent, and we would have no greater steward than her.

Most importantly, Amy will bring together a town that has become increasingly partisan. Amy has strong support among Democrats, yes, but also among Republicans and Unaffiliated voters. This is because she is a “big tent” person, wanting only the best for our town, regardless of party affiliation. Simply put, Amy is a rarity these days: a leader who listens and is listened to; respects and is respected; incredibly knowledgeable but ready and willing to learn.

Please join me in voting for Amy Murphy Carroll for First Selectman on November 7.

Hilary Ormond

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