October 21, 2023

LETTER | BOE Candidates

The best school systems have high levels of parent involvement and leaders who serve by working alongside the members of the community.

LETTER | Lauren Nussbaum for Board of Education

Lauren has the parent, coach, and resident experience to collaborate with fellow BOE members and help steer our schools through the next four years, and notably she also has actual BOE experiential knowledge from her extensive attendance and participation through her PTC role. In combination with the skills and wisdom gleaned from her careers across legal, nonprofit, and education sectors, Lauren is uniquely positioned to hit the ground running and will endeavor to maintain our schools’ top ratings while also making sure each and every child’s education is investigated holistically so that all students have the benefit of feeling like they belong in our schools.

LETTER | Giacomo Landi for BOE

Giacomo Landi for BOE. Vote for the person, not the party, is a philosophy to which I’ve always adhered. With roughly five thousand New…

LETTER | Amy Murphy Carroll — One New Canaan

Having spent time with Amy, there is no doubt in my mind that Amy is a fiscal conservative. She knows the questions to ask and will not shy away from asking them. Amy knows how to, and will, save us money!

LETTER | Vote for Dionna Carlson for First Selectman

She will listen to our residents and work exceptionally well with our boards and committees. She will challenge us to continue to keep taxes in line while delivering on the important services and support we expect for our schools, our police and emergency teams, our volunteers, our downtown, our town parks and our town assets.
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