LETTER | Vote for East School Parent Josh Kaye

Dear Editor:

There is a lot of talk during election season about Board of Education members and candidates having “skin in the game.” With that in mind, I write to strongly endorse Josh Kaye for the two-year Board of Education seat.

Among his many qualifications for this seat—including his pro bono work on behalf of domestic violence survivors and his current service on the town’s Board of Ethics—Josh Kaye is the father of a student at East Elementary School. Notably, he is the only candidate who currently has a child at East, and when elected, he will be the only sitting Board of Education member with a child there. Mr. Kaye also has a child in preschool, who will presumably matriculate to East in the near future.

West Elementary is disproportionately represented among both Board of Education members and candidates; South Elementary, Saxe Middle School, and New Canaan High School are also well represented. Shouldn’t East Elementary have a seat at the table too? As a parent to an East Elementary student, I think so. Having representation with connections to all of our excellent public schools will only make them stronger.

You want skin in the game? Join me in voting for Josh Kaye for Board of Education.

Hilary Ormond

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