LETTER | Vote for Janet Fonss


As a concerned New Canaan resident, I urge fellow constituents to vote for Janet Leung Fonss for Town Council. She is exactly the smart, engaged, and articulate individual we need on Town Council. Janet’s extensive professional background is in finance, which will help her to make smart choices about how New Canaan spends our money.

During her 24 years in town, Janet has raised two children, both of whom attended New Canaan public schools. She has been a very active volunteer in the schools, as classroom coordinator, fundraising chair, and special events coordinator. From 2013-15, she served as West Elementary School’s Co-PTC President. Her involvement in the New Canaan schools is a great platform for service on Town Council.

Janet has boundless energy and has volunteered for a diverse assortment of not-for-profits, including the National Charity League, the New England Dance Theater/Academy, the New Canaan Beautification League, and the Organization of Chinese Americans—Fairfield County. I have seen Janet in action in a variety of capacities. Janet is thoughtful, even-tempered, and fair-minded. She is always ready to listen and reflect upon another’s point of view. She can be relied upon to step in when help is needed. We need more Janets on Town Council and in town government.


Angela Jameson
1370 Ponus Ridge Road
New Canaan

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