LETTER | A Great Opportunity

New Canaan has a great opportunity, as we see it, to elect exactly the leaders our town needs at this time.

We are very excited to indorse the following candidates for the Board of Education: Matt Campbell, Laura Kelly, Hugo Alvez and Matt Wexler.

Matt Campbell and Laura Kelly are personal friends. Matt is bright, warm and committed to all that is good in the community. He is so levelheaded and has a great sense of humor. Laura is on top of all the comings and goings in New Canaan and she is committed to fostering the best outcomes for the children of this community.

We would also like to endorse our dear friend and neighbor Dionna Carlson for First Selectman. Dionna is one of the most capable people we have ever met, she knows how to get things done. She has been a most thoughtful neighbor and friend.

David and Deb Checketts

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