LETTER | Dionna Carlson for First Selectman

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Dionna Carlson for the position of First Selectman of New Canaan. I have had the privilege of knowing Dionna for almost 20 years, and I can confidently attest to her outstanding qualifications, dedication to public service, and unwavering commitment to our community.

Dionna’s extensive professional background in financial services, including her tenure at GE Capital and her former CFA Charter holder status, is a testament to her impressive expertise in managing complex financial matters. She further demonstrated and strengthened her financial skills in her capacity as Chair of the Board of Education, where she was responsible for the NCPS budget.

What truly sets Dionna apart is her deep-rooted commitment to New Canaan. She has consistently proven herself as a dedicated and collaborative volunteer and leader through her involvement with numerous local non-profit organizations. Whether as a Senior Deacon at the Congregational Church, Vice Regent of the DAR, or her volunteer work with organizations including the Young Women’s League, Stepping Stones Museum for Children, National Charity League, and her children’s school PTCs, her willingness to serve and lead has made New Canaan a better place for all its residents.

As Chair of the Board of Education, Dionna demonstrated strong leadership skills. Her approach to leadership is characterized by a focus on local solutions to local issues, devoid of external agendas. Her honesty and frankness, coupled with her dedication to transparency, open communication and inclusivity, assure that all residents’ voices are heard and that the best outcomes for ALL residents are reached.

Dionna’s experience and dedication have been tested and proven time and again, and I firmly believe she is the right candidate to lead our town forward. I wholeheartedly encourage every resident to cast their vote for Dionna Carlson on November 7.

Kristen Schlim

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