LETTER | 344


This figure represents, according to yankeeinstitue.org, the number of individual taxes and fees that the State of Connecticut collectively imposes on its citizens and businesses. Ironically, some of these levies cost more to implement than they collect in revenue. Despite these taxes and fees, the state still carries the second highest debt per capita in the nation (governing.com/finance).

How could this be possible in a state with a highly educated population, four wonderfully diverse seasons, and miles of beautiful coastline? The Democrat party has ruled Hartford for 12 uninterrupted years and has presided over and engendered this fiscal nightmare.

Many of New Canaan’s other local concerns and burdens have been brought to us by single-party Hartford and its court appointees. Low-income housing mandates have been imposed as have numerous expensive unfunded school mandates.

Under Republican leadership and with the help of a majority of independent voters, New Canaan has been a beacon of fiscal responsibility. During these 12 years, taxation in New Canaan has increased at an average annual rate of 2.4%, below the 3% CPI average annual rate of inflation. Our Debt outstanding is 14% below what is was in 2011 (New Canaan Financial Statements). We have maintained the best schools in the state despite Hartford’s headwinds, and we are trying hard to maintain the character of our town while developers threaten it.

I urge you to stay the course and keep New Canaan Aaa/AAA and on track by voting for Dionna Carlson for First Selectman, Steve Karl for Selectman, and the Republican candidates for the Board of Education. Thank you.

Bob Hamill, proud to be a New Canaanite since 1970.

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