With New Canaan public schools going back into session this week, the summer draws to a close. While the excitement is palpable, the safety of these young learners remains paramount. The American Red Cross has compiled a comprehensive list of ten essential safety tips to ensure that students are well-prepared for a secure and successful school year.
1. Bus Stop Safety: For those who ride the bus, arriving at the bus stop early and maintaining a safe distance from the curb while waiting is crucial.
2. Boarding Protocol: Students must adhere to the bus driver’s instructions, boarding only after the bus has come to a complete stop. Boarding an alternate bus is strongly discouraged.
3. Visibility: Students should always remain in the bus driver’s clear line of sight and avoid walking behind the bus.
4. Street Crossing: When crossing streets, students must utilize crosswalks, obey traffic signals, and only cross at designated corners.
5. Street Smarts: Darting into the street or crossing between parked cars is never safe. Students must exercise caution and cross streets safely.
6. Car Safety: Students traveling by car should always wear seat belts. Younger children must be secured in appropriate car or booster seats. Riding in the back seat is recommended until at least 13 years of age.
7. Teen Drivers: Parents of teen drivers must ensure seat belt usage and discourage distractions such as phone usage, eating, or drinking while driving.
8. Bike Safety: Bike-riding students should wear helmets and ride in the same direction as traffic on the right side of the road.
9. Walking Precautions: Walking students should cross streets only at intersections with crossing guards. They should follow routes designated by the school.
10. Accompanying Young Children: Parents should accompany young children to school, especially if they are new to the route or school. Arranging for students to walk with a friend is also encouraged.
Additionally, parents are urged to equip their children with crucial information, including their phone number, address, how to reach parents at work, contact details of a trusted adult, and how to dial 911. Teaching children about stranger danger and the importance of not accepting rides from unfamiliar individuals is essential.
Most Importantly, Drivers, Slow Down!
With students returning to school, motorists are reminded to exercise heightened caution. Yellow flashing lights on buses indicate preparations to stop, requiring drivers to slow down and prepare to halt. When red flashing lights and an extended stop sign are visible, it signifies that the bus has stopped for children to embark or disembark.
Motorists are legally obligated to stop behind, beside, or approaching a stopped school bus. This rule applies on both two and four-lane highways. Exceptions are made when physical barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus. Under these conditions, oncoming vehicles can proceed only once all children have reached a place of safety.
The start of the school year in New Canaan marks a time of promise and potential. By prioritizing safety, both students and drivers can contribute to a secure and successful academic journey for all.